Fern Gardens
Fern Gardens was the game demo I made in 2022 for my game design class. We had to create a concept, create all the assets and animations, then move everything into Unity with the Corgi Engine library to create a function game level.
Check out the gameplay footage!
Player Character: Angel
Angel is seen as a rarity in mushroom society and often mistrusted. Everyone in this realm is based of mushrooms and plants. A large magical cataclysm happens, and the fungus kingdom is decimated. Angel is a young child when this big event happens and escapes alone into the outer kingdom to escape. Angel now must search for their lost spores (family) and discover the true nature of this magical cataclysm. There are many enemies encountered, other plants, monsters, and maybe even a mushroom or two.
Character Animations
Angel’s Walk Cycle
Angel’s Idle
Angel’s Attack Animation